An email from Daniel when he worked at UNCLE

November 1, 2004

Friend, Radio Folk, Countrymen

-For the past 4 weeks I have been cavorting around Broward County Florida collecting: hanging chads, ineligible voters, dudes that look like Jeb (for my forthcoming website, and rigged electronic voting machines. Now with my unruly satchel of trouble stowed in my checked luggage, I am valiantly headed to cleanse these characters in the brownish and liberal waters of Schuylkill River back at UNCLE’s Philadelphia HQ. Wish me luck citizens. And should you need to reach me by any other means than Pony Express, the following should prove helpful:UNCLE Penn. Contact info:610 667 9438 Dan
484 431 4196 Cell610 667 9439 Pat215 828 7241

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